Sunday, February 21, 2010

Mia is walking!!!!

February 2010

Mia is now walking like a pro at 10 months. She

now walks more than she crawls and she is working on

standing without pulling up first. I am sooo proud of

her, but it also makes me kinda sad that my baby is

getting so big!

Playdate at Stacy's house
February 2010

Today we got the girls all together for
another fun playdate. Stacy made a yummy
lunch for us and we love playing at her playroom-its perfect!
Thanks for having us!

Playing at Stacy's house in the playroom
January 2010

Mia and I ventured out to Belton today
to see our friends. Now that the boys go to preschool,
Mia and I have some time on our hands to do fun things!
We had a great time playing in the playroom-love it Stacy!

Playdate at Oakpark Mall
January 2010

Mia and I had a blast meeting up with
Erica and Stacy for a fun playdate. Thanks girls